No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Amys Drop Box Golden Pond Gob Pile Project Signed Eligibility 081618

Signed Eligibility 081618

Document Date: August 14, 2018 Document: Signed_Eligibility_081618.pdf

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Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Division of Mined Land Reclamation: P,0. Drawer 90 bg Stone Gap. Virgina 25219-0900 (216) 523-8100 276) S233 wow de irginia gov

August 14,2018


The FY2018 Golden Pond Gob Pile Removal Project (Site No. 18302 615, along Dumps Creek, south of South Clinchfield in Russell County, Virginia. Project area mapping is comprised of a section of the Carbo USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle. The project coordinates are 82° 10’ 44.21"W and 36° 57° 38.77"N. The project area is contained within the South Clinchfield Problem Area, VA-O821.

Reclamation will include eliminating a Priority 3 Gob Pile (GO) that resulted from mining that occurred prior to December 15, 1981, the effective date of Virginia’s primacy. The gob feature is an upland feature and removal would not impact streams or wetlands. Sediment will be controlled within the structure as well as through the use of sediment fence and sediment channels. All disturbed areas will be promptly revegetated with non-invasive species agreed to by state and federal agencies.

The gob structure is the result of pre-law coal processing and loading conducted at the Moss #3 facility. Lesa Baker, DMME’s AML Project Coordinator researched the “Golden Pond”, the 32 acre AML gob pile site (mapped as a Tailings Pond) and it is AML eligible. The initial Chapter 19 permit application for Clinchfield Coal Company (Moss 3) Permit Number 130048! (issued 12/29/1983) notes the area as Pond 7. The description therein notes, “Pond 7 is in the process of being eliminated from the permit. The isturbed drainage Pond 7 controls is the disturbed area of Pond 7 itself." The approved reclamation plan involved vegetating the area only. This pond was not eliminated. A letter dated March 27, 1981 to DMME during the review of the permit notes “The sediment control structure designed as Pond 7(Sediment basin No 7 in Virginia DMLR Permit Number 2607-U) in the surface drainage plan for the Moss No. 3 Preparation Plant was completed by November 1980.” Permit 2607-U was permitted to Clinchfield Coal Company on 8/07/78. Virginia primacy date is December 15, 1981. All mapping both current and historic does not show any evidence this structure has been affected by a Title V permit. The permit was transferred to Russell County Reclamation LLC, Permit Umber 1302253 on 4/2/18. The permittee deleted Pond 7 or the “Golden Pond” feature from the permit, effective June 5, 2018.

‘The abandoned mined land features are a result of underground mining and surface activities that were conducted prior to December 15, 1981. There have been no permanent program activities to impact these

features since abandonment of the mine site. There is no continuing responsibility for any individual, firm, or organization to reclaim this feature.

Thave reviewed the eligibility documentation for this project and find the project meets eligibility criteria of Section 404 of Public Law 95-87 and the criteria of the State Reclamation Plan. I recommend your approval.

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Lesa Baker Date Abandoned Mine Land Projects Coordinator

Z,rvprore __Disapprove oly ior shshx

Randy R. Casey, Date Division Directpr

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